Thursday, October 11, 2012

The first step or the finish line?


We all have plans, goals and dreams. We all aspire to become a better version of our yesterday selves. What holds us back from taking that first step? When we get to a place where we can take a hard and long look at ourselves and answer that simple - yet not so simple question, the world is ours to conquer! What's holding you back from reaching your full potential? Are you still living in the past? Are old tapes still playing in your head? Are you afraid of failure? Are you afraid of success? 

My question to you is this: WHY NOT YOU? Here's a project to help break you out of that shell...find as many old magazines that you can. Cut out images that appeal to you; people smiling, exercising, having dinner together, girlfriends talking, lovers holding hands, beaches, parks, dogs running around, a nice big house, a car, jewelry, the woods...whatever it is, cut out the images and get a glue stick and start pasting the images on the poster board. This is your dream/vision board! You will have a visual that will motivate you.

Whatever you're afraid of...know that you are the only one who can take that first step.

Seize today for it will be gone at midnight!

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