Thursday, February 27, 2014

58 days ago...

Here we are - Thursday, February 27, 2014!  Is time standing still? Is time moving at warp speed?  I think the answer to that depends on what you have been doing with your life over the last 58 days!

There comes a time when we all have decisions to make. They can be small and minor decisions like, what do I wear to work or what will I have for breakfast?  Yet, there are times in life, when we must make decisions that can and will alter our lives...for the better...or for the worse.

In 71 days I will be walking the stage of Robert's Wesleyan College as I graduate with my bachelor's degree in Organizational Management.  The decision for me to return to school and obtain my bachelor's was an easy decision. I did not need to give it much thought other than, how am I going to pay for this?  I've always had the goal of going to school and getting the bachelor's.  For me, this a great achievement and I will be celebrating big!  See, I dropped out of school in the 9th grade. After a couple of years of in and out of juvi - I made the decision to get my G.E.D. {general equivalency diploma}.  I went on to attend R.E.O.C. {SUNY Brockport's Rochester Educational Opportunity Center} where I received a certificate in General Office Skills.  Kids, relationships, etc...later...I went to a 2-year college M.C.C. and received my associate in science. I was thrilled! But I wasn't done. When I met James, and as we got to talking about goals, etc., he encouraged me to go back to school if that was my heart's desire. It was and I did.  When I walk the stage in 71 days, it will be 15 months prior when the journey started.

I tossed and turned for weeks and I prayed and I prayed as to whether or not go on for my master's.  After weeks of back and forth, I made my decision...........................YES! My new vision is to obtain my a Masters in Human Resources Management from Nazareth College.

I decided to do what I've always aspired to do...Be REAL! Be GENUINE! Be ME. 
And I am just great!

Whatever goals you set for yourself, make sure they are for YOU and not someone else.  My ways are not for everyone...just like everyone's ways are not for you.  Take some time to look deep down and hard within yourself. Ask God to guide you. Ask yourself what brings you joy? Happiness? Is it being a coach? Author? Mentor? Public Speaker? Flash mob dancer? Photographer? House wife? Stay-at-home-mom? Single? Married? Blogger? World traveler? Tea enthusiast? Wine enthusiast? 

Whatever you choose, let it be YOUR CHOICE!  That is the only thing that will bring you true happiness.

My life's goal is to be a world traveler! And as live each day, every decision I make will bring me closer and closer to my life's goal. {{To fill the pages of my passport}}
As a close friend said to me "they gave me a passport with lots of pages...I have an obligation to fill it".  And fill it I shall!

Isla Mujeres - Cancun Mexico Feb. 2014

Live Aqua - Cancun Mexico Feb. 2014. RESORT I stayed in.

Beauty! Live Aqua Cancun Mexico Feb. 2014

This is my life. Cancun Mexico Feb. 2014