Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Happenings of 2015

Hi Fabulous Loves,

As I write this update, we have two days until Christmas and in eight days we will be celebrating and ringing in a new year.  A lot has happened in 2015 and I'm grateful for every adventure.  Even though I'm grateful for the many wonderful things that took place in 2015, I'm ready for a fresh and new start.  This upcoming year will be a year filled with lots of love, blessings, spontaneous moments, wealth, great health, a closer relationship with God, passion, and fulfilled goals.  I'm so excited that my list of 400 things to do in my life continues to both shrink and grow.  It's growing because currently the list is at 123 items and I continue to add to it.  It's shrinking because I've crossed off about 6-10 things on the list. It's exciting every time I reach for my yellow highlighter and highlight something I've accomplished.

As I reflect, I think back to January when I was feeling a little disillusioned.  Unemployed and growing frustrated, I was looking forward to my DR trip in February.  The thought of having the sun bathe my skin from head to toe, while sitting at the pool drinking fruity drinks, as I got lost in my book reading, excited and energized me.  I would spend a few days away from reality.  I love my girl's only trips.  February came around and off we went.  It was such a beautiful time.  I enjoyed my getaway.  It was refreshing and I came back to a job!  The week before going on my trip I interviewed with a company and although I wasn't crazy about it, it was a job - and the bills were steadily coming in.  Bills stop for no one!  On the day that we were leaving, I received an email offering me the job, which I quickly accepted.  While the ladies that I was with talked about enjoying the their day off when they arrived home, I was thinking about what to wear to on my first day of work!   That was 10 months ago!  It's been interesting, but I'm here.

Here I am in Punta Cana, DR.

The next few months were spent getting the house organized, as it had been a several months since we'd moved in.  My middle daughter had also made the decision that she wanted to finish her senior year up here; so we were - or perhaps I was - mentally preparing for the transition.  June rolled around and the end of the school year was here. I drove with my little one to pick up the middle child. The transition hasn't been too difficult; although a bit challenging but that was to be expected.

In August, hubby and I celebrated 7 years of marital bliss.  Time has certainly flown by. SEVEN YEARS!!!  But I've been truly blessed and I couldn't imagine life without Mr. D. Just the other day I was partaking in a conversation where one person made a comment along the lines of "when we argue, we throw things, we're yelling at each other, we're telling each other to get out..." and I just stood there like wow. The individual says - "why do you look surprised?" I responded, and I think she believes I was lying...."In the seven years that Mr. D and I have been together, we have never raised our voices nor our hands; and we have definitely never uttered the words get out or cursed at each other".  I don't see a point in doing so.  When you treat someone that way, you are not only disrespecting that person, you're disrespecting yourself.  If you get to a point that you can't stand someone, leave.  YES - it is that simple. I don't care how many years you have invested or what material things you've accumulated.  No one deserves to be disrespected and mistreated and material things can be bought again.  Believe me - I've left and started over twice.  I don't plan on ever having to do that again, but if I had to - I wouldn't second guess myself.  The first time I was married. I packed what I could and left in my car.  It wasn't a healthy environment and it was time I left.  Sadly, I didn't take the time to fix ME and ended up in a similar situation later on and after two and a half years, I left that relationship also. My only regret was not leaving sooner.

Anyways - my relationships will be further discussed in my book - coming in 2016! I'm putting it out there - I've been working on this book for quite some time and I am committed to finishing it in 2016! Stay tuned :-) 

This year, for our family vacation we spent a week in Mexico.  It was so much fun!!!  We went in August and let me tell you - IT. WAS. HOT.  I love the heat, as you all know, but oh my that was brutal.

Here we are in Cancun, Mexico...

It was the girl's first time in Mexico and Mr. D's first time in Cancun. We all enjoyed it and will definitely be going back in the near future: Just not in August!!!

After I graduated and received my bachelor's degree last year, I enrolled in the master's program. Unfortunately, I lost my job shortly after and I just wasn't in a good place mentally or emotionally to focus on graduate school work - so I withdrew.  I knew that I would eventually return, but I wasn't sure 'when'.  During our time in Mexico, we spent some time thinking of our future in terms of goals and things that we want to accomplish; both short and long term plans.  I mentioned wanting to return to school and get the master's degree.  After much prayer and talking it out with my inner circle, I contacted RWC and informed them that I wanted to return. I was ready.

My official acceptance!  Lord willing, I will walk the stage at RWC once again in May of 2017!  I'm three modules in....nine more to go and I can't wait. I'm excited.

The busiest time in our lives happens during the final months of the year.  This year, my darling, turned 50!  I am so happy that he is just like me in terms of age - it is just a number. So whether we are 40, 50, or 60 - we don't lie nor are we ashamed about our age! As Mr. D says - he is like wine - he gets better with age. And oh yes he does!!!

One thing about him however, is that he does not like to make a big fuss about things. I on the other hand, I make a big deal about everything!!!  So off course I was planning a surprise gathering for him and he - as I suspected, loved every minute of it. Here's a few pics....

I kept it very small and very intimate. We were surrounded by close friends that mean everything to us; and it was perfect.  I booked a suite at the Woodcliff Lodge & Spa and gave the room key to one of my girl's, who went in early and set-up and let every one in... we arrived at the set time and surprised him.  Everyone was gone by 10pm and we enjoyed some much needed R&R.  I love that man to the moon and back :-)

As December rolled around, it was time for more celebrations.  My first born turned 23 on December 19th; my middle one will be 18 on the 27th and my baby turns 14 on January 6th!!!

We are looking forward to all the wonderfulness that 2016 has in-store for us.  Vacations, college, promotions, better health - goals accomplished!  Oh I almost forgot to mention - a huge item being checked off my bucket list is me learning to swim!!!  I tried lessons in the past and I stopped after session 2. The young lady was just an awful instructor. I'm sorry - but she was!!!  The interesting thing about life is, if you truly and really want and desire something, the fire will keep burning inside of you and it will not die down UNTIL you go for what you want.  So I followed the recommendation of one of my girl's and called the Y. We chatted and I signed up! Move over Michael Phelps - cause here I come. Okay, not really - but hey I'll be backstroking and butterflying in no time.

Here I am - getting ready to head to the Y. Two lessons down - nine to go.

A few notable moments of 2015:
1. Paid of some debt
2. My Munchkinmellow made honor roll
3. My Monster got a 101 on one of her exams
4. Had a surprise party for one of my BFF's
5. Enjoyed the company of numerous married couples during a "couples only game night" at a friends house - that was so much fun!
6. Celebrated the huge accomplishment of my other BFF as she received her Master's
7. And my darling Mr. D, blessed me with a new camera.... some may remember that I did photography a few years back. The frustration was getting to me and I sold everything (behind Mr. D's back)! Thankfully he didn't blow a gasket and he simply asked why. I told him and he reassured me that when I was ready, he'd bless me with a camera.  So be on the look out as I'll be back. :-)

As we say goodbye to 2015, it has been a great year. We've accomplished a lot.  We know that 2016 will be so much better and our blessings will be quadrupled!

We hope to share with you - and not just via social media - but in real life. That's where its at!

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