Friday, July 25, 2014

Let's Chat

My prayer is that as you read this, you are healthy and truly blessed!

During the recent social craze of "I'm so (wherever you grew up at)", a friend of mine quoted a saying that got me thinking. The quote 'it's not where you're from but where you're at' spoke volumes to me. Not in relation to the social craze - but life in general.
To some people I'm stuck-up, snooty, rude, hell I've even been called an Uncle Sam. The last one actually still causes me to chuckle! I've been admired for my strength, courage, resilience, and toughness. I consider myself a realist! Life can sometimes make you feel as though an 18-wheeler has permanently taken residence on your heart. You're broken: mentally, financially, emotionally, socially...and even spiritually. If you're human - life is tough. Everyone goes through things: divorce, abuse, bankruptcy, friendships ends {this one is the hardest for me to handle - keeping it real with you}. Everyone has lost a job; by choice or not. Life is an interesting journey.
Growing up, you hoped to graduate school, go to college, land that fabulous gig, get married, have 2 or 3 perfect children, and live happily ever after. Sitting down each and every evening - as one unit -nourishing your bodies with the freshly cooked meal that mom has made: sharing each others day. While collectively helping to clear of the table, and help the little ones with homework. Showers, prayers, and of to sleep. The day will be repeated tomorrow.
Reality is, for {most} it's not like that. We're running here, there, everywhere. We hate our jobs, our kids are driving us up the wall, and spouses make us second guess saying those I do's...and some are doing it alone. Your once BFF has forgotten how to use a phone or computer, the bills are piling up, and you're slowly noticing the crow’s feet, grey hair, and the snugness of your pants. Life is tough. It's real!
What's a person to do? Here's what I'm slowly learning. For one, ALL relationships take effort and work. If you find yourself being the one to always be chasing down the other person, hell let it go. As I said earlier, I'm learning. If you're struggling financially - chances are your priorities are of balance. Cable is a WANT not a necessity. I don't care what your favorite show is - it's a want. If you have credit cards - remember that 99% of places accept VISA and MasterCard - you don't need store cards. The rewards are not worth your financial struggle and near bankruptcy status. Call them up and negotiate a lower interest rate, stop using them, and pay them of! Once done with one, take that payment and apply it to the next card (or bill). Everyone can save at least $5 dollars a paycheck! Yes you can. Stash it away and watch it slowly grow. That little nest egg will come in handy during an emergency or a little pampering. You have to take care of yourself. You have a long life ahead of you and you want to be your very best self, don't you?
I'll end with this - stop claiming calamity into your life! Words are powerful and the universe is listening. If you say you're living paycheck to paycheck - honey you're going to live forever paycheck to paycheck! If you think something bad is going to happen, chances are it will.
Our lives and circumstances are different. But it is possible to live a healthy, fun, exciting, and adventurous life-even on a budget and definitely even with just one income. One of the things that piss me off the most is when people hear that I'm planning a trip (or just came from a trip), or when we got 'newer' cars - or most recently when Hubby got me a new ring say things like - "MUST BE NICE - IF ONLY I HAD 2 INCOMES"...Well let's be real clear here. Yes we have 2 incomes but Hubs and I have only been together for 6 years! And guess what - before I knew the name James, I traveled just as much. And I was alone with THREE kids! And to be honest I actually traveled more. I'd pick the kids up from daycare on a Friday, fill up the minivan and of we'd go. Canada, New Hampshire, Erie...wherever. The one thing I'm able to do more often now is travel outside of the U.S.A. But again, those that know me, know I don't play. I plan and I plan wayyyyy in advance. So yes I'm blessed with a man that works and we have two incomes. Though I love my job, I work because I like things - especially travel! If life were to take a naughty turn and we went down to one income - I'd just have to travel less.
Sunset - suburb of Rochester NY

You are here temporarily! Live life to the fullest! If you have questions or want to chat email me:

Stay beautiful and go get a passport!
Borrowed from the web - but oh so true!

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